Monthly Reflections Blog

Discover how Christian relationships, rooted in love and attentiveness, can transform the way we engage with one another. Sister Mary Ann Barnhorn, SNDdeN, reflects on the importance of listening, humility, and following Jesus to heal divisions and strengthen our witness in today's world. Let's strive to love as He loves, one encounter at a time.

As the new school year begins, our roles as parents and grandparents are more important than ever. Guide and nurture your children with unconditional love, faith, and prayer, helping them navigate a world that often overlooks God's love. Explore ways to support their spiritual journey and discover the profound impact you can have on their lives. Blessings from Sister Mary Ann Barnhorn, SNDdeN.

Summer is going by fast. It’s August already, and I want to hold on to the best of summer — fresh vegetables and fruits, the many flowers in full bloom and green everywhere. I see the beauty all around me and I thank God for the magnificence of His creation. What a gift God has given us!

Why is it that we often don’t recognize Jesus? Remember the disciples who were walking along a road when someone joined them. Not just someone, but Jesus Himself, risen from the dead! But they didn’t know this person and continued to tell Him the story of Jesus life, death and resurrection, thinking He knew nothing about it.

Most of us want to be in control of our lives, of our family, our jobs, our health – everything, especially when our loved ones are suffering in some way. No one likes to be powerless and yet, that’s what we are! Let’s face it – God is God and we are not!

As we move through the Easter Season towards the great feast of Pentecost, the world around us is coming alive. Spring reminds us once more of the goodness of God and the hope we are called to. “…And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

Jesus’ death and resurrection changed our lives! And it changed the world! Jesus died and rose again to be with us always – He promised! “…And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

If you have not yet tried reading the daily readings during Lent, I encourage you to begin or end your day filling your mind with God’s word. As I suggested last month, this is one way to help keep you grounded in who Jesus is and what he does. You can have the gospel sent to your email or you can read it online at

Lent begins on February 14th! It is also Valentine’s Day! A perfect way for us to remember God’s wonderful love for us and our need to repent and return to Him with new energy and commitment

What will this new year bring? Should I make resolutions even though experience reminds me that they are seldom successful. Maybe this year we can be brave enough to ask God what He wants for us in the New year!

Remember the excitement of Advent calendars and Advent wreaths? I love the traditions surrounding these weeks before Christmas. Jesus Is coming!

Our God is a mighty God. His works are recorded in His Word, and His works inspire trust in the hearts of His people.

We were born into a disordered world! Evil seems to reign at times. What can we do? Who can we believe? When faced with so many things out of our control, we must turn to the real source of the truth. God knows our pain and sadness. He suffers with us over the condition of America. Remember, He promised to be with us.

As I child, I felt both anticipation and regret as a new school year began. I hated that summer was ending, but I looked forward to new school supplies, seeing my friends, and if I was honest, I looked forward to learning new things!

What do your fear? What worries you? What can transform those fears and worries into hope, knowledge and peace? “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2

We are often worn out by the nearly constant barrage of violence in our communities, in our country and around the world. Many of us fear violence and are appalled to even see violence being celebrated in the media and some of the groups acting in violence.

What do we know about the heart of God? Scriptures reveal much about God’s heart in Jesus and the way He led with His heart. Jesus always met people right where they were and touched them with His healing compassion and love.

In recent years we seem to have lost trust in so many ways and in so many things. Who and what can we believe? We have real fears and more questions than answers. Look to Mary. She believed in God’s word. She believed in God’s Son and journeyed with him all the way to the cross. She trusted God’s promises.

As we begin the last leg of our journey through Lent, it doesn’t matter if we had a good Lent or not. We began with enthusiasm and hope for change. If we failed, we began again. St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “Saints are only sinners who keep on trying.”

The Church gives us this ‘time apart’ from life as usual as an opportunity to turn our lives around, to begin something new. Over these past few years, we have seen the sufferings of the people in the Ukraine. Parents, children, the elderly are in the middle of a terrible war. We heard the stories of Covid19 deaths and the consequences of the isolation so many endured.

On a Sunday not too long ago, I was stunned by the scene unfolding on the football field as a young player fell to the ground as if dead. The entire stadium fell silent. One by one, the players from both teams knelt down apparently praying for him.

As we begin the new year, call to mind the joy you found in giving gifts to the people you love. Remember the fun of watching the gifts being opened and the surprise and gratitude of those we love.