Themes Of Notre Dame de Namur Spirituality
Trust in God's Goodness
God knows how to make everything turn to the good of those who love with all their hearts and who put their trust in God.
Count on God. You know our God is a loving parent. You won't be let down.
Action Rooted in Prayer
I am all yours, while running all over the place. Ask quite rightly if I find my God while running: my God, my one and only good.
Our God is the God of everyday life. Jesus showed us that when He walked our earth, taught, healed and loved. As you go through the day talking, healing, loving, do it with God.
To be simple is to be like a sunflower that follows all the movements of the sun and ever turns toward it.
Always turn your heart to God, who will guide and warm you.
Mission to People Who Are Poor
The good God himself promised us that his ear would be attentive to the needs of the poor to whom he is always ready to listen.
It jumps off the pages of the Gospel. Jesus has a special understanding of poor people, their hopes, their hurts, their needs. He reached out to them and teaches us to do the same.
Grace through Suffering
Blessed be our good Jesus, who wants to rise in our hearts! My God, grant to all of us this grace.
Life is full of ups and downs, little crosses and big crosses. We always want to ask why. If instead, we gently and calmly open our hearts to the mystery of suffering, we meet God in the depth of our pain and our God rises in our hearts.
Joy and Freedom of Spirit
When you are free, you can go to the ends of the earth. For the greater glory of the good Master whom we have the happiness of serving.
True freedom is not being able to do anything anywhere, any time. True freedom is the freedom to be our best self. Putting God and our neighbor first, being our most loving self, will bring you great joy.
With you, we change lives
With the support of generous friends like you, we are able to continue our mission of educating and taking a stand with those in poverty— especially women and children.
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