Dorothy Stang Initiative for Laudato Si' Action Plan

We, the Dorothy Stang Initiative for Laudato Si' Action, hear the call of Pope Francis to make new commitments and more efforts to address the ecological crisis facing our earth. We believe that we have a responsibility to contribute to the conversion needed to save our common home.

The charism of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur is to proclaim the goodness of God in all of creation, with special attention to the needs of those suffering from injustice and poverty. Therefore, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur of the Ohio Province have set in motion the Dorothy Stang Initiative which strives to stimulate and facilitate the response to the call of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform among members of their extended community.


We see the following values as integral to DSI planning and action:

  • sense of urgency
  • stubborn optimism
  • transformational educational component
  • collaboration with other groups
  • planning that leads to transformative action