Celebrating Sister Dorothy Stang's Legacy on the 20th Anniversary of Her Martyrdom
Thank you for visiting our page dedicated to honoring Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN. As we approach the 20th anniversary of her martyrdom in 2025, we invite you to join us in commemorating her legacy.
We welcome you to share your personal reflections on Sister Dorothy's life and the impact she made on you. Whether you had the privilege of knowing her personally or have been inspired by her story, we would be honored to hear from you. Please send your reflections to [email protected].
This page will be updated regularly as more details become available, so please visit us often.
Events to Honor Sister Dorothy
If you or your organization are planning a memorial event for the 20th anniversary, please let us know. We would be delighted to promote your event on this page. We also encourage you to tag us on Instagram @snddenohio in any social media posts related to celebrations of Sister Dorothy's 20th anniversary of martyrdom.
Invitation for Reflections on Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN
We invite you to share your personal reflections on Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, a dedicated advocate for social justice, environmental stewardship, and the rights of marginalized communities. Sister Dorothy's steadfast commitment and profound impact continue to inspire many around the world.
Whether you knew Sister Dorothy personally, have been influenced by her legacy, or are moved by her story, we encourage you to submit your reflections. Your insights and experiences will contribute to a collective tribute that honors her memory and continues her mission of justice and peace.
Please share your reflections, stories, and thoughts with us. Let us come together to celebrate the life and legacy of a remarkable woman whose work and spirit live on in each of us.
Explore a special exhibit honoring the 20th anniversary of Sister Dorothy Stang's martyrdom, featuring never-before-seen letters, photos, and relics. Open by appointment until June 7, 2025. Discover her legacy and commitment to justice alongside the people of Brazil.
Please join us for a special panel presentation honoring Sister Dorothy Stang's life and continuing legacy 20 years after her martyrdom.
The Laudato Si' Circle of the Family of the Most Holy Eucharist parishes invites you to an event dedicated to reflecting on the incredible work of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN. Through a PowerPoint presentation and two short videos, we will learn about and reflect on the wonderful work Sr. Dorothy accomplished. This leads us to review other Eco-Martyrs and lost species highlighted in the Season of Creation 2024 Catholic liturgy guide. We end our remembrance as we started with prayer.
Join us in honoring Sister Dorothy Stang's enduring spirit and transformative work. Her dedication to spreading God's goodness inspires us all. A special Mass and luncheon will be held to commemorate the 20th anniversary of her life and ministry.
In recognition of the 20th anniversary of Sister Dorothy Stang’s martyrdom, the O...
Dorothy Stang Legacy Continues ...
With you, we change lives
With the support of generous friends like you, we are able to continue our mission of educating and taking a stand with those in poverty— especially women and children.
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