Updates from the Office of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation, April 18, 2024

Image of the globe space


Earth Day is Monday, April 22. Remember, this year’s theme is Planet Vs Plastic. Very appropriate to what we are focusing on as the Ohio Province. I hope you will pray this week for the opening of hearts and minds to the need to care better for our beautiful planet.

O merciful Creator, your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature: Make us always thankful for your loving providence; and grant that we, remembering the account that we must one day give, may be faithful stewards of your good gifts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


The United States is one of 190 countries currently negotiating a Global Plastics Treaty. The National Resources Defense Council is asking us to contact the Biden Administration and the US State Department to negotiate an effective treaty that will reduce the creation of plastic and strengthen the ways we dispose of it. Can you contact the White House and Secretary Blinken to ask for a strong Global Plastics Treaty? If you prefer, you can use the online tool from the NRDC.

The situation in Gaza and Israel is escalating. Tikkun Magazine and Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue without Walls partnered with others to write a joint statement in the hope that it can help us rise above the divisiveness. The statement is written by Jews, Palestinians and others and not only condemns the actions of Hamas and the reaction of Israel, but calls for a “third way” in which all sides “sit in the pain and complexity and grapple with our discomfort” You can read the statement, and if so desire, as an individual, sign on here.


Environmental Justice is a complex topic. There are many voices arising from the global south. It will not be an easy conversation, but it must be had in order to avoid making things that much worse. We should go forward with our eyes wide open. TOMORROW, join the Institute for Policy Studies for a conversation titled Responding to Green Colonialism: Voices from Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East. The global north has identified renewable energy at the way forward. But beneath the pretty green wrapping, these climate ‘solutions’ are leading to new environmental injustices and “green colonialism.” The clean energy plans of the global north require the large-scale extraction of strategic minerals from the global south. The geopolitics imply sacrificing not only territories, but truly sustainable ways of inhabiting this world. You can get more details and register here.


On Tuesday, April 23, from 12-1 (ET) NETWORK Catholic Lobby will hold a conversation with the leadership of REPAM titled Voices from the Amazon: the Road to COP 30. Bishop David Martínez de Aguirre Guinea of Puerto Maldonado, Peru, Brother Joao Gutemberg and Bro Rodrigo Fadul of Manaus, Brazil will share inspirations and concerns of the people of the Pan Amazon region whom they accompany. The 2025 UN Climate Change Conference will be in Belém Brazil – the first to be held in the Amazon. You can register here. You will also find the link to the live stream.

DON’T FORGET, on Monday, April 22, from 7- 8:30 PM, Anna Gallagher, Executive Director at Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC), and Elizabeth Clapp, Immigration Legal Services Director at Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio will present an informative update on the challenges of our immigration system, realities faced by local refugees and migrants and our moral response through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching. There may also be testimony and community conversation with migrants. This will be hosted in Xavier University's Health United Building (FREE Parking at the Cintas Center); 1723 Cleneay Ave, 4th Floor. Refreshments, appetizers, and conversation begin at 6:15. You must register for this event. If you are interested, we could carpool.

Just Earth Cincinnati will host two Addressing Ecology Through Art events next week: an art exhibit on April 26 from 5-9 at the Pendelton Art Museum and a poetry reading on April 27 from 2-4 PM at the Walnut Hills Library. Join Sr Judy Tensing and Just Earth in these exciting events.

Democracy Watch

More and more justice advocates are paying attention to several concerning things happening regarding our democratic process. It is something I have frankly tried to ignore. It seems so big and so frightening. However, ignoring concerning things has never helped anyone. I have added an additional section to the Weekly Update. It will appear as needed.


The USCCB has released new materials for Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. We are invited to read and share these materials, which guide our political responsibility as Catholics and faithful citizens. The information is available in English and Spanish.
New Introductory Note to Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: English | Spanish.
The Role of the Church in American Political Life: English | Spanish.
The Dignity of the Human Person: English | Spanish.
The Common Good: English | Spanish.
Solidarity: English | Spanish.
Subsidiarity: English | Spanish.

“In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation.” — Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, No. 13. The USCCB encourages us all to form our conscience and vote! It is a call of our faith.