Updates from the Office of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation, April 4, 2024

Updates from the Office of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation, April 4, 2024


On April 9, the Catholic Conference of Ohio will host the annual Catholics at the Capitol. Catholics from around the state will gather in Columbus to pray and to meet with state senators and assembly members to present a Catholic take on the issues faced by our society today. Can you make a note to pray on April 9 that the voices are strong and the ears are open? Thank you!


Two years ago, when the Dorothy Stang Initiative surveyed the Ohio Province sisters to ask where we should focus our efforts, recycling and reducing plastic were top of the list. It’s only been in the past year or so that the national and international conversation on the issues of plastic recycling and the need to eliminate single-use plastics (SUPs) has exploded, thanks in part to Beyond Plastics, the group with whom we are affiliated.

This year, the Earth Day organization has chosen the theme Planet vs Plastic and the Catholic Climate Covenant has chosen the companion theme of Healing Our Throwaway Culture: Focus on Plastics. We in the Ohio Province have been in this conversation for a while. It’s exciting to see it gaining momentum among even those not previously involved in discussions on the environment. You can see the Catholic Climate Covenant’s 5-minute introduction video. As you know, we are celebrating Earth Day a couple of days early, on April 20, with the Spirituality of Laudato Si’ presentation with Dr. Marcus Mescher. In the morning will be an exploration of how the reduction of single-use plastic enables each of us to care for creation as Pope Francis asks. Have you signed up yet? 

This Thursday, April 4 at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT, Beyond Plastics invites you to From Plantations to Petrochemicals with Jo Banner, co-founder and co-director of The Descendants Project. This organization champions environmental justice causes, challenging systems that exploit people descended from the enslaved men and women who were forced to work on plantations. A resident of Louisiana's Cancer Alley, Jo will highlight the connections between the sites of today’s petrochemical plants and those of former sugarcane plantations. No need to register. Simply click the link above at the date/time stated above.

This Saturday, April 6, 12 PM ET/9 AM PT, NETWORK Catholic Lobby will hold a webinar entitled White Supremacy and American Christianity: Moving Toward Beloved Community—a conversation with Fr. Bryan Massingale and Dr. Robert P. Jones. This is the fourth in a series but can stand alone as well. Click here for more information and to register. This presentation can help us continue our education on white supremacy and how it affects us all.

The Charity Earth Network invites you to a webinar Charity Votes Earth: Bringing Earth’s Cries to the 2024 Electoral Season on Friday, April 19, 2024, 1:00-2:30 PM EDT. Mary Novak, Executive Director of NETWORK, will lead a reflection on how we can use our voice to make the cries of Earth heard during what is expected to be a polarized and contentious electoral season. No need to register. Click on this ZOOM link or, use the Zoom meeting ID: 872 9454 5097 and passcode: 028830 a few minutes before the webinar.

Democracy Watch

More and more justice advocates are paying attention to several concerning things happening regarding our democratic process. It is something I have frankly tried to ignore. It seems so big and so frightening. However, ignoring concerning things has never helped anyone. I have added an additional section to the Weekly Update. It will appear as needed.

Reviewing the invitation to write letters to voters, encouraging them to vote! Please consider this opportunity you can do right from your own room. If you’d like some guidance, contact me. I’d be happy to help!

If you knew someone who was too discouraged to vote, would you write them a letter to ask them to reconsider? If this is something you think you can do, join Vote Forward, a group that organizes letter writing to eligible citizens who have not engaged in the democratic process. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to send an encouraging word and some information on what they need to do in order to be able to vote. Democracy is supposed to be of the people, by the people. Our founders may not have meant ALL the people, but through the pain and bloodshed of some very brave ancestors, most citizens have the right to vote. Some just may need a little encouragement!

For Review:

The USCCB has released new materials for Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. We are invited to read and share these materials, which guide our political responsibility as Catholics and faithful citizens. The information is available in English and Spanish.
New Introductory Note to Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: English | Spanish.
The Role of the Church in American Political Life: English | Spanish.
The Dignity of the Human Person: English | Spanish.
The Common Good: English | Spanish.
Solidarity: English | Spanish.
Subsidiarity: English | Spanish.

“In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation.” — Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, No. 13. The USCCB encourages us all to form our conscience and vote! It is a call of our faith.