Update from the Office of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation, March 7, 2024

Immigrants in their journey


The Franciscan Action Network will host A Dialogue with Palestinian and Israeli Bereaved Families for Peace via Zoom on March 14 at 3:00PM. This dialogue will feature two speakers, one Israeli and one Palestinian, who will share personal stories of loss and how they continue to work together for peace in the Holy Land. REGISTER.

Advocacy and Action

You likely have heard of the situation facing Annunciation House, an organization of 5 migrant help centers in El Paso, Texas. Sister Rebecca Trujillo, SNDdeN volunteers in one of these centers each week. They are currently under threat of shut down from the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton who is accusing the centers of Human Trafficking. In reality, these centers provide food, clothing, and three nights of shelter to immigrants released from detention, while they make connections and arrangements with their US sponsors. It is very similar to the system under which our sisters in Arizona work. There will be a hearing TOMORROW! Your Ohio Province Justice Peace and Care of Creation Committee has crafted a public statement to be released today. Can you make your individual voice heard as well? This one is a phone call, and I know those are not the favorite thing to do. But the hearing is tomorrow, and a phone call is the only option. You will be leaving a message. Call the Department of Justice comment line at 202-353-1555 (option 4). Include your name and city, and please, if you are a sister or associate, add that! You can say something like this:

“Texas officials are using their laws to attack Annunciation House, a trusted Catholic organization that has long followed the Gospel tradition of caring for those in need at the border with temporary shelter and support. Texas has sued and threatened Annunciation House with closure and even years of imprisonment, calling their essential work “smuggling” and operating “stash houses.” I urge the Department of Justice to immediately challenge Texas’ illegal targeting of Annunciation House. Texas must be stopped in this shocking campaign that jeopardizes the network of Catholic organizations, employees, and volunteers who serve migrants, as well as people of good faith across Texas who reach out to provide essential respite for migrants. We must also preserve the freedom people of faith to assist their communities and meet migrants’ basic human needs,”


Faith Communities Go Green invites you to join them on March 13, 7-8 PM. Robert D. Bullard, Ph.D., the “father of environmental justice,” will speak at Christ Church Cathedral as part of the Taft Lecture Series. Dr. Bullard was the first scientist to publish systematic research on the links between race and exposure to pollution, which he documented as early as 1979. Prior to that, no one systematically explored the connection between a person’s surroundings and their health. For more than four decades, Dr. Bullard has integrated human and civil rights with environmental justice. He embraces the principle that all people and communities have a right to equal protection and equal enforcement of environmental laws and regulations. REGISTER.

On March 25, from 7 to 8:30, Equision will present Adverse Effects of Climate Change on Human Society via Zoom. Learn about the medical consequences of climate change, and its adverse effects on human society, especially issues of migration, poverty, and food insecurity. Speakers: Kathleen Downey, MD and Caroljean Willie, SC, Ph.D. Moderator: Becca Desai. REGISTER.

Democracy Watch
More and more justice advocates are paying attention to several concerning our democratic process. It is something I have frankly tried to ignore. It seems so big and so frightening. However, ignoring concerning things has never helped anyone. I have added a section to the Weekly Update. It will appear as needed.

NETWORK Catholic Lobby has released its materials for the upcoming election year. As we are members, I thought you might want to see what they have going on.

You can view NETWORK’s 2024 Priorities webinar.

You can register for one or all of their 4-part Training. These trainings will discuss Multi-Issue Voting, Breaking Through the Noise (2 parts), and Election Engagement.

You can view NETWORK’s Equally Sacred Checklist as a guide in voting FOR the common good.

For Review:

The USCCB has released new materials for Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. We are invited to read and share these materials' guidance on our political responsibility as Catholics and faithful citizens. You will find information in English and Spanish.

New Introductory Note to Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: English | Spanish.
The Role of the Church in American Political Life: English | Spanish.
The Dignity of the Human Person: English | Spanish.
The Common Good: English | Spanish.
Solidarity: English | Spanish.
Subsidiarity: English | Spanish.

“In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation.” — Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, No. 13. The USCCB encourages us all to form our conscience and vote! It is a call of our faith.

Early voting for the primary IN OHIO has begun. Voting day is March 19. Check your voter registration status and make your plan to vote. You can vote early in-person now. Find early voting locations in Ohio or get your absentee/mail-in ballot for Ohio. Deadline to request an absentee ballot is March 12. You can see a sample ballot by going to the website and clicking on your county. Those in other states, your information is just a Google search away. Type in “my voter registration status {state}” “Early voting {state}” “Mail-in ballot {state}” Or simply “county Board of Elections {county, state}” for all the information.