"Our care for one another and our care for the Earth
are infinitely bound together."

Pope Francis (Laudate Deum)

The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur are hosting a two-hour session called "Laudato Si': Spirituality & Action" on Saturday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Mount Notre Dame campus, 701 E. Columbia Avenue in Cincinnati.


Keynote Speaker: The Spirituality of Laudato Si’
Marcus Mescher, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Christian ethics at Xavier University

In Laudato Si' Pope Francis observed that the world's deserts are growing because our "internal deserts have become so vast." Put differently, the destruction of the environment stems from a spiritual problem: a failure to understand our proper place in the world. This presentation will invite participants to move through the steps from ecological conversion to ecological communion "in the light of faith," as Pope Francis encourages in his 2023 apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum. Together we'll examine how the spiritual practice of contemplation—taking a long, loving look at the real—can move us to better honor the Creator and all creation.

A Contemplative Response
Sister Carol DeFiore, SNDdeN

Pope Francis consistently invites us to a contemplative response to the Gospel. Sister Carol will lead us in a simple process of prayer that allows us to hear God speaking to our hearts.

A Case for Concerted Action
Teresa Phillips, Director, Office of Justice, Peace and Care of Creation,
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Ohio Province

Teresa will describe the response of the Ohio Province Sisters of Notre Dame to the call of Pope Francis in Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum. We will explore how the reduction in use of single-use plastic enables each of us to care for creation as Pope Francis asks. The range of opportunities and the effects of the reduction of single-use plastic, and the myth of plastic recycling, will be addressed. You will be invited to join the Sisters in the specific actions to which they have committed as an expression of their love of our common home.

With you, we change lives

With the support of generous friends like you, we are able to continue our mission of educating and taking a stand with those in poverty— especially women and children.

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