From left to right: Laura Roch, NE Ohio Site Director, Sister Ann Kendrik, SNDdeN, and Olivia Prado, Philadelphia/Wilmington Site Director.
As NDMVA members continue to bask in the glow of the MidYear Conference and are celebrated for their service and achievements during AmeriCorps Week, members have officially passed the halfway mark of their service journey. This milestone provides a necessary checkpoint as NDMVA evaluates the progress on the 2022-2023 service goals. NDMVA is elated to share some numbers that reflect the impact we’ve made in communities across the country.
Since August 2022, NDMVA members have served 1,396 adults, 5,467 K-12 students, and 912 Pre-K students. While some members serve in more traditional classroom settings, others serve communities through non-profits that operate programs to provide food security and sustenance to those in need. Since August 2022, NDMVA members have reached 105,951 individuals, served 379,442 meals, and distributed 617,779 pounds of food across the country. These numbers give a quantifiable marker of success but NDMVA has heard the profound impact of these numbers through member reflection. An Atlanta member shared,
“I have learned the patience and commitment required to advance a student’s education. The first half of the service year has given me invaluable experiences working with children. I am proud of the achievements I have accomplished so far.”
NDMVA is astounded by the impact our members have already had in the span of a little over half of a year and are excited to share the continued impact of service as members inch toward the end of their service term in July.
Amanda Odell, NDMVA
First published in the U.S. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur eNews APRIL 2023, Vol. 14 No. 3